The prices below are based on a typical two storey, three-bedroom terrace house, excluding all related council fees and other (third party) consultants’ fees includes any resubmission and revisions of plans. Please contact with us for more complex projects.
Single Storey Extensions
for Residential
Planning Drawings and Submission
- Measured Survey
- Existing plans and elevations
- Proposed plans and elevations
- Scaled OS map
- 3D Visuals of the Proposal
- Completed relevant application forms and submission
Double Storey Extensions
for Residential
Planning Drawings and Submission
- Measured Survey
- Existing plans and elevations
- Proposed plans and elevations
- Scaled OS map
- 3D Visuals of the Proposal
- Completed relevant application forms and submission
Loft Conversion
Planning Drawings and Submission
- Measured Survey
- Existing plans and elevations
- Proposed plans and elevations
- Scaled OS map
- 3D Visuals of the Proposal
- Completed relevant application forms and submission
Basement Extension
Planning Drawings and Submission
- Measured Survey
- Existing plans and elevations
- Proposed plans and elevations
- Scaled OS map
- 3D Visuals of the Proposal
- Completed relevant application forms and submission
Convert to Flat
Planning Drawings and Submission
- Measured Survey
- Existing plans and elevations
- Proposed plans and elevations
- Scaled OS map
- 3D Visuals of the Proposal
- Completed relevant application forms and submission
3D Visualisation
Call to Quote
Planning Drawings and Submission
- Draft ideas and sketches
- Provide draft renders and layout plans
- Receive Final Renders and a full set of architectural layout plans.
phone: 020 3759 4582
mobile: 074 9157 0848
Useful Links
planning application
interior design